2024 Theatre Districts and Regionals
> MIFA Districts will be held Saturday Jan 18, 2025 (although schools can partucupate in their own "in-house" district anytime 1/1-2/1/2025
> MIFA Regionals will be held Saturday Feb 1, 2025
> District/Regional Assignments
> All Districts are now feedback only
> ALL Regional RESULTS
All schools/shows advance from District to Regionals.
Advancement from Regional to States is calculated this way:
In both events (Main Stage & Studio Production) the top 2 shows at each of the 4 regional sites automatically advance (a total of 8 spots).
1. Rank is the first tie breaker. Lowest rank is best (eg based on the judge's points they ranked X show #1, Y show #2, Z show #3). The easiest place to see this is columns BE, BF, BG (Main Stage) or BA, BC, BE (Studio) on your site's tab sheet.
2. Judge Preference is the next tie breaker and is only used to compare shows at the same regional site that are tied on Ranks. (Did 2:3 or 3:3 judges prefer one show over another that is tied on ranks?)
3. Points is the next tie breaker. Highest points is best.
4. Superior-Excellent-Acceptable (SEA) is the last tie breaker and we rarely ever get to that level.